
Meet the 50 Most Powerful Women in U.S. Philanthropy

By David Callahan and Kiersten Marek (Inside Philanthropy) – Two years ago, we published a list of the 15 most powerful women in U.S. philanthropy. The idea for that article emerged because we were struck by how many women are involved in philanthropy at a high level

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How a New Generation of Business Leaders Views Philanthropy

By Paula Goldman (Harvard Business Review) – Andrew Carnegie’s advice in the 1889 essay “Wealth” was to spend the first part of your life getting as much education as possible, to spend the second part making all the money you could, and to spend the last part giving it all away for worthwhile causes.

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Little diet pain, big health gain

Cell Press – Those who struggle with obesity, take heart. Losing as little as 5% of your body weight is enough to reap significant health benefits, according to a study published February 22 in Cell Metabolism.

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The Empire Strikes Back

By Drew Lindsay (The Chronicle of Philanthropy) – Largely forgotten in the fuss over Silicon Valley’s new wealth, New York philanthropy roars back from the recession.

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New York State of Mind?

By Drew Lindsay (The Chronicle of Philanthropy) – These philanthropists don’t always go about their giving in traditional Big Apple fashion.

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The Heroes of CRISPR

By Eric S. Lander (Cell) – Three years ago, scientists reported that CRISPR technology can enable precise and efficient genome editing in living eukaryotic cells. Since then, the method has taken the scientific community by storm, with thousands of labs using it for applications from biomedicine to agriculture.

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Buffett, Ackman, Milken, Michael J. Fox! 10 People With Big Ideas To Change the World

What happens when you put 150 altruistic billionaires, legendary entertainers and Noble Prize-worthy gamechangers in one room for a day to talk about ways to give smart and better? Some disruptive ideas regarding philanthropy. 

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Here’s One Foundation That’s Heeding the Call for More Basic Science Funding

By Paul Karon (Inside Philanthropy) – Philanthropists (and the foundations they establish) have an understandable bias toward results-oriented giving: people who achieve great success because they’re great at making things happen in the real world often want their philanthropy to be similarly productive.

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Clues to What Makes Bill Ackman Tick Unveiled in His Family Tree

By Amanda Gordon (Bloomberg Business) – Bill Ackman didn’t let an investor’s call he had to prepare for get in the way of a family celebration.

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New Leadership at The Pershing Square Foundation

Over the last five years, the Pershing Square Foundation has benefited greatly by having a strong team of professionals led by Paul Bernstein, our CEO, who have been key partners with us as the Foundation’s programs and impact have grown. Paul will moving on to new initiatives outside the Foundation at year end.

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